Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Its all uphill form here

We have been doing very well with our winnings recently. At our last show, In Stockton on September 20th, we BOB in OPEN with AK's Highlander(BSB), we also took BOB in show B with MG's Twix(BSD) and BOSB with Highlander. In our youth shows, we took:

Show A:

BOV solids- MG's Tanzy(SJD) her first leg!!!
BOSV Brokens- WH's Blue(BSD)
BOSB- Tanzy

Show B:
BOV solids- MG's Susie(SJD) her first leg at her first show!!!!
BOV Brokens- WH's Blue(BSD) her 30TH LEG!!! GOOOO BLUEE!!!
BOB- WH's Blue

I also wanted to congratulate Susie Cederlof on winning BOB in show A and BOSB in show B with Addison!!!

Did you sign up for convention? I sure did. Entries were due on the 22nd. I am bringing 7 rabbits:

Waffles SSB
MG's Mew SSD
MG's Tanzy SJD
PFF's Simon BSB
MG's Bubba Gump BSB
PFF's Dazzle BSD
MG's Tangerine BJB

I hope to see you there. When it comes closer to the convention dates I will add a post talking about convention and what I will be wearing/look like so you can identify me. here is one of my recent drawings incase anyone wanted me to draw something for them:

ta-ta for nowww,